Posts Tagged ‘motivation’

The tittle of this post comes from a pedagogical lecture I attended some time ago… The lecture was about how I as a teacher can motivate my students.

Today though I find it to be meant for me… and many other PhD students out there.

Yes I’m motivated! Yes! Yes!


I mean it! I’m quite motivated… I think… maybe? Hmmm ok I’m not today… That’s why this lecture tittle popped into my mind: “Sure, But HOW?!”

Motivation is not something you can grasp. Nor static… It’s a perishable commodity that needs renewal every day. And today i don’t seem to have acquired my daily dose. Well maybe I just need to face facts. Today is one of those day’s when i just cannot concentrate. My brain is everywhere but where it’s supposed to be. It’s like it split into a thousand pieces and scattered all around. Those days, cause I believe we all have them – I just feel like sighing loudly. And for all I know maybe I am without noticing.